Peaks Performance Principles
"The Six Attitudes Of High Achievers"
John R. Noe
High Achivers....
1.Make no small plans
Don't make small plans because there is no fun in them and it's too little time to have fun. You need big plans to make it magical and fun because if you make small plans later on your gonna regret not making big plans. When you make small plans they will not not be realized and have no power. Make big plans because they bring hope and good work to you. Making big plans will bring happiness to your life and will make you feel better. Making big plans will bring big things into the world and you will get more creative ideas. Making small plans will not get you anywhere. Go for the big plans because it can bring you happiness and give you power. You will be known as a high achiever for making big plans. Making big plans means that you are challenging yourself to do big new things and make something new happen in life."Make no small plans for they have no power to stir the soul."- Niccolo Machiavelli
2.Do what they fear
Do what they fear to show that you have courage to do something fearful. Don't be scared of the things they fear because maybe you are not going to be scared. They will hate that you don't fear they do. They fear things that they have not tried, but you shouldn't fear because new things because new things will actually make you brave. Having fear can you lead you to have anger and think negative. Don't fear what you don't understand because that lead to more fear and discourage. People hate what they fear but don't try to face there fear. They don't try to face there fear and there fear just grows more. Do what they fear because that will make them angry. Having fear doesn't help because it can just create anxiety. Try the things that they fear to see if they can get over that fear. You have to face the fear and rise from it. You face and you learn not fear. Facing your fear can make you grow stronger and be more successful. Do not fear what they fear have courage and face it. You can either choose to face that fear or run from it. "Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live"-Dorothy Thompson
3. Are willing to prepare
When you are willing to prepare you are willing to commit to what you are doing and not give up. Always be willing to try something new and prepare for it. Never tell yourself you can't do it because in reality you can. Always do it for fun and don't stop because you are afraid. You have to be willing to prepare in order to start something new. Try out new things takes time to prepare. Trying a new thing will not be perfect the first time you do it , you need time to prepare. Everyone has i there mind that they want to win but are not willing to prepare to win, that will not get you anywhere. If you are not prepare to do something then you will fail because you did not want to prepare. Things don't come easily you got to prepare yourself. Prepare to be ready in life and become successful. Never give up the first time you fail you have to going and become more prepared. Getting prepare takes time and it is not easy it takes progress. Establish your priorities first and keep making progress. Just because you fail first does not mean you have to give up. You will accomplish what you wan if you are willing to prepare. "You get whatever accomplishment you are willing to declare."-Georgia O'Keeffe
4.Are willing to Risk Failure
You are willing to risk failure when you are willing to get an experience. You can't succeed unless you are willing to risk failure and get back up and try again. You are willing to risk failure when you really want something. Willing to risk failure doesn't mean you have to give up you learn and grow from it until you get it right. You don't always succeed in the first try it takes time again and again so don't give up when you have failed once. If you are not willing to risk then you will not learn the experience. Failure doesn't mean give up it means get up and keep trying and gaining experience. Those who fail are successfully because they gained experience. You learn from failing. When you take one path and fail you don't give p you take the other path and see where it takes you. You have to be brave and take failure before reaching success. "Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."- T.S Eliot
5.Are Teachable
You are teachable when you teach someone a valuable lesson about something important. You are teachable when you are willing to listen to others. Having true humility is staying teachable. You are teachable when you teach others to choose the right path and never choose the wrong. You are willing to learn from your mistakes and move on. When you stop learning that is when you stop growing and when you really want to learn you are growing. You are willing to have a teachable mind to be prepare for the future and have a good life. When you are teachable you are being a role model and a leader to the younger people. You are teachable when younger people are looking up to you to have a positive life and be productive. You seek knowledge and truth when being teachable. Experience teaches only the teachable when they are being positive. Being teachable you are influencing others to be good and knowledgeable and that is power. "What I believe is that all clear minded people should remain two things throughout their lifetimes: curious and teachable."-Roger Ebert
6. Have Heart To be a good and caring person you need to have a good heart. A caring heart is what helps you get through life. Having a big heart is having a good life and appreciating every moment of your life.When you have a heart you don't hold grudges you move on and let it go. When you have a bad heart you are an evil person that holds grudges so it's better to have a good heart to live a healthy life style. When you have a good heart you help others, you put your trust on others, you give too much, and you give love a lot. You can the the greatest heart and people will hate you but you will not let that get you, you keep going with your life and just keep smiling like always. When you have good heart you are always a happy person. No matter how many time people want to bring you down you keep having a good heart and keep being successful. You can have a lot of money but have the ugliest heart and you can have no money and have the best heart in the world and be happy. You don't every single thing in this world to be happy all you need is to have a heart. Always have a good heart no matter what happens. "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched- they must be felt by the heart."-Helen Keller
Reflection: These six attitudes are important so that you can be a successful person and to stay positive. Always make big plans because later on you will regret making small plans. Always do what others fear to show that you don't fear that. You always need to be willing to prepare and take risks in life. You are willing to risk failure to get through life and make good out of it. Always be teachable and teach others valuable lesson. Always have a heart to value others.
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