
Tuesday 11 October 2016

How to Win Friends and Influence People

How to Win Friends and Influence People
"Six Ways to Make People Like You" 
Rule 1: Become genuinely interested in other people.
Image result for become interested in other people     If you want to make a friend you have to be genuinely and be nice when you meet them. Be there for when they need you and always be by there side. Always support your friend on what they want to do. Always stay positive with them and never give up on them. Be an attentive listener when they need someone to talk to. Never judge them by what they are telling you. Have a nice talk and learn new things about each other. Make sure you are trustworthy and they can tell you anything. Make sure you respect them so they can respect you and never treat them in an ugly manner. Do fun activities it will make the friendship grow. Always be there to listen to the stories they have. "We let folks know we're interested in them and that they're vital to us. cause they are."-Sam Walton
Image result for smileRule 2: Smile: 
      If you want to make people happy throughout the day just smile at them because you can make their day and they would appreciate it. Smile at strangers because you never know what they are going through. Just by smiling everyday at someone you can make them happy. Smiling improves the way you look and it makes you feel better. You can change the world by just smiling.Smiling is a powerful tool because you can solve a problem. Smile is a way to be happy and having a successful life. When you smile you can make other people fell happy and then they will start to smile. When you are feeling down just smile because it can not bring you down. When you smile at others that want to bring you down, you are going to make them wonder why are you happy. Give a warm smile every morning to stranger because it is a form of happiness. Wake up with a smile. "A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside."- Denis Waitley
Rule 3: Remember names.
Image result for remember names      Remembering names is important because it says that you actually pay attention. You make a commitment to yourself by remembering names. You actually listen to the person when they first introduce themselves. You can remember a persons name by they act towards you. It show that you have morals remembering people names and care. When you remember names you show them that they are important and they are someone willing to remember.  When you don't remember names you are not a good person and are heading for trouble. Always remember names because you can make that person feel special and they will feel like they are a part of your life. You are being respectful because you don't call them by another name like hey you because that can hurt there feelings. You always want to remember peoples names so that they can feel comfortable and good that you remembered there names. When remembering names you are being kind because they are your friends. Remember names because it makes they feel very important and happy. "Every name is real. That's the nature of names."-Jerry Spinelli
Image result for be a good listenerRule 4: Be a Good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves. 
       When you are a good listener you get people to open up to you and they tell you there story and you make them feel better. When you are listening don't interrupt, let the person finish and ask questions. Encourage them to talk about themselves so that they can feel better and feel like they have someone they can talk. Make them feel comfortable around you. When you listen you know you are going to have a good conversation. It feels good to open up and having someone to there listening to you because you feel less tension on you and you become more positive. When you listen you can learn something new and get to know them better. Show them that you care when they are talking. Encourage them to talk more to show them that you are genuinely interested in them. Help them feel safe that it's okay to talk about themselves. Make sure to listen to what they have to say because you can learn something new and help them grow as a person. Make the person feel safe and not judged. "One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say."-Bryant H.McGill
Image result for talk in terms of the other person's interestsRule 5: Talk in terms of the other man's interest.
                   You never know if you and that person have the same interest. Maybe you can be passionate about something and that person you meet can also be passionate about the same thing too. Having the same interest is good because you can become really good friends. Don't criticize others for the interest that they like. Have respect and listen to what they have to say. Don't complain and try to change the topic just because that does not interest you. Be friendly and be sincere when they are talking about there interest. Make the person feel like they have a great idea and feel important. "Speakers who talk about what life has taught them never fail to keep the attention of their listeners."-Dale Carnegie
Image result for make the other person feel importantRule 6: Make the other person feel important--and do it sincerely.
          When you make a person feel important they know that you are making them your priority. Always make a person feel important because it shows that you care about them and you sincerely want to listen to what they have to say. You will always have time for that person because they are important to you and they matter in your life. Take time to get to know the person and listen to what they have to say. Never tell a person they are not important because that can hurt there feelings. Make them feel special like they have someone they need. You make them feel important when you are there for them and care about them. Pay attention to them when they are talking and do not interrupt. Don't criticize to what they have to say because if they are important to you, you will not criticize. Be concern when they are feeling down and sad. Always be there for them and never give up on them. Encourage them to do something they are afraid off, to get that fear away. Be honest and respectful towards there opinions. "Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own."-H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Reflection: These six ways of making people like you are important because you can meet really great people and make them feel welcomed. Being genuinely interested in other people shows that you are actually trying to meet new people. When you smile at someone you can make there day and make them feel like they had a special day. When you remember names it shows that you actually listen and were interested in them. You can meet a person that had the same interest as you. When you make the person feel important they know that you are making them your priority and you want to learn about them sincerely. Be loyal to that person that you meet and always be kind towards them. Never treat them like they are not important.  

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