
Thursday 3 November 2016

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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              "Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. It says, "I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the driver's seat of my destiny, not just a passenger."

Habit 1: Be Proactive
Image result for be proactive        Be proactive is important to the habits of life because you can accomplish so many things. Like have a proactive day and wake up early to see the sunrise and so the morning can be longer. Be proactive and get things done early and don't procrastinate. It's better to do things early than late. Don't wait for someone to tell you to do it, you get up on your own and do it for you. If you wait to do things in the last minute you are not being proactive. You are in charge of each day and you choose how you want to live it. Don't wait to do it, do it in the moment because you choose to be happy or not. You have the power to change something to do it different. You choose to be happy so choose to be proactive and get things done. Create the change that you want in your life. "The way to bring about change is to be proactive and active."- Sam Brownback 
Habit 2: Begin with the end in Mind
Image result for begin with the end in mind         If you have a goal to begin with the end in mind then do it. When you want to start something new make sure that you know how to finish it and accomplish it. Make your dream possible when you begin with the end in mind and do it. You continue your dreams and chase to get to the end. Do things that have meaning and that make a difference to enjoy life. Set goals ahead of yourself and try to accomplish them. Start with a clear understanding of life to get to where you want to be. It shows that you know where you are going and to make sure you are going on the right direction. Decide what values you are and set goals. You will work hard to get where you want to be. Create the path of where you want to go in and don't fail to do it. You can make your dreams possible if you work hard and never give up. "To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you're going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction."Stephen Covey 
Image result for put first thing firstHabit 3: Put First Things First
         Always do the things that you plan on doing first and don't leave them for the last moment. Make those first things your priority and then do whatever you want to do. If those first things have meaning to you, you will make them you priority and that will be the first thing you do first. Putting first things first is an effect leadership. You will make time and have a positive attitude towards. Don't leave those first things for the last moment because you will regret it and feel like a failure. You decide weather you want to do it first because you have all the time in the world. Never let someone tell you that you can't do that first because you can do whatever you want first. No matter what there will always be time for the things that you put first. "The older I get the more wisdom I find in the ancient rule of taking first things first. A process which often reduces the most complex human problem to a manageable proportion."-Dwight D. Eisenhower 
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
        Think like a winner and stay positive. Always feel like a winner even when you loose because you did your best. Never doubt yourself because that will just bring you down. Always have a positive mid and win. Never bring yourself down when you lose be happy that you tried and did your best and put all your effort in to it. You are a strong leader if you have a positive mind set. Don't give up the first time keep going and keep having the mind of a winner. 
Image result for Seek first to Understand, then to be UnderstoodHabit 5: Seek first to Understand, then to be Understood
          For someone to be able to understand you need to make sure they understood. You have ton listen with your eyes like when you listen with your ears and pay attention closely. You need to be able to understand by there body language and facial expressions because that says a lot. You need to be sincere and listen to what others have to say because it shows respect. Understand first and then be understood when it is your turn  to speak. You need to be understanding and take action. Understanding someone is important so listen to what they have to say and then they can take the time to be understood by you. Understand by seeing things from another point of view and then share what your view is. First listen, don't talk over someone and let them finish talking and then when they are done talking you can speak and give your opinion. If you want to be respected then listen to others and respect them when they are speaking. You want to make the people feel understanding. "One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say."-Bryant H. McGill        
Habit 6: Synergize  
Image result for synergize definition         Be synergize to have a creative cooperation. Have amazing new adventures to get rid of your problems. It's better to work together because you can bring more new ideas into the work. You can have difference and bring them together. You find way to make them better and greater. Teamwork is the best way to do work because you can make it fun and exciting. Having an open mind is a great to start something because it brings in positive stuff into your life. Have high performance to working hard and achieving great goals. Have leadership development to develop great things. 
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Image result for sharpen the saw       First accomplish the greatest things that you want to do in life. Have a positive mentally to have good outcomes. Have a good physical dimension, mental dimension, emotional dimension, and a spiritual dimension to accomplish great things in life. Do things that will have a positive outcome in your life and that will make you happy. Always stay positive don't give up on the first tries. Take care of your self by getting enough exercise, getting enough hours of sleep, and eating healthy. Learn new things outside of school, try to explore the world, go to museums, parks, and events to see what is out there and what can you learn from that. Spend time with family and friends because you will regret it later in life when you don't have them. Help others and be kind to them, the little things will make people happy. Smile at strangers because you can make there day. Always keep your self happy. "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."- Abraham Lincoln 
         I learned that these 7 habits will help you keep a positive mind and live a good life. You need to be proactive so that you can accomplish many things, like start your day early so that the day can be longer. Also it's important to begin with the end in mind so that you can do things things that have a meaning to life and that make a difference to your living. Always do things first, so don't procrastinate to not put pressure or stress on yourself. Always think win-win, keep a positive mind and think like a winner. First understand other so that you can be able to be understood. Be synergize to develop great things as a group. Sharpen the saw by having good outcome. 

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