
Monday 9 January 2017

School break days

School Break Days
     What I did over my break theses three weeks was very fun and kind of scary. On Christmas eve me and my mom were on our way to Mexico to celebrity with my cousins, aunts, and uncles. On the way there something hit our car in the freeway and they car started to make a really loud noise and we had to get out the freeway and park in a gas station. The car didn't want to turn on anymore so we had to call my cousin from Mexico to come get us were we were and we left the car there. Some place that I went to were Mexico . I met new people like my cousins stepbrother and some cousins from my dad side. I did not watch any movies. A sport that I watched was football. A CTR experience was when I was at the gas station and a man did not have enough money to fill up his tank so we gave him some money pump gas on his car. I did not read any books over this break. I did not have any homework. I hung out with my cousins from my dad side and it was cool getting to know then better. On new years eve I spent it with my family from my dad side because my aunt and cousin came from Mexico.
Image result for car breaking down

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