
Friday 9 December 2016

Medical School

Medical School 

  Yale University School of Medicine

Location: New Haven,  Connecticut

Admission Requirements:
  • High GPA 
  • SAT scores
  • ACT scores
  • Recommendations
  • Demonstrate Competencies
Tuition: $45,800
Degrees Offered: 
  • Master's Degree
  • Doctor of the Science Law (J.S.D)
  • Ph.D in Law
Area of Study and Specialization: 
  • Biological & Biomedical Sciences
  • Engineering
  • Social Sciences 
  • Law
  • Neurology
  • History of Science and Medicine
Picture of Medical School
Image result for yale university front
Reflection: I really like this school because it is know for having a good law program. They are not only known for there law programs but also have medical field programs. I like that they offer all kinds of degrees. 

Monday 5 December 2016

The 10 keys to personal power

The 10 Keys to Personal Power
    Brian Tracy 
Image result for 10 keys to personal power                          

Key 1: Clarity 
Image result for clarity    To having clarity is having clear vision of your path and the way you want to live life. Have the clarity of the right path and not the wrong path. Clarity is having clear look of who you are being and why. When you have a clarity of  an intention wanting something it will happen. When you have clarity you open up your eyes and see what the world is giving you. When you eliminate negative thoughts you start to see the clarity of life. Starting to see the clarity of life makes you realize that you can live a happy life. You can have the greatest moments of your life and when see clarity through tough times. Get past your rough times and see the clarity that it can bring. "Clarity is the counterbalance of profound thoughts."-Luc de Clapiers
Image result for competenceKey 2: Competence
      To competence is to have the skill to do something well. Always be competence when you are doing something new and don't give up. Having the knowledge, attitude, and skill. Performing in a competence manner is having the capability of meeting the demands. When you are competence in life you will meet the goals in life that you want to accomplish. Having leadership is another way of competence.When you have competence challenges become easier and better. Having competence make you feel respected and appreciated by others. You will start noticing the skills and knowledge that you have. You will have the opportunity to demonstrate the ability of having competence. You will see that you have made many achievements in life. "The single most exciting thing you encounter in government is competence, because it's so rare."-Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Image result for concentrationKey 3: Concentration
       Concentration will get you to do so many great things and accomplish them too. To be able to do work your mind needs to focus on concentrating. You can't do your work when you have so many things going on, on your mind. Concentrate in silence, do not listen to music, or watch t.v when you are trying to finish something. Make good use of your time by taking breaks between your study sessions, don't let yourself get overwhelmed. First focus o the primary task and concentrated on it and then do the smaller task to feel accomplished. keeping a good concentration can help you be relaxed and positive.  When you loose concentration you start to loose interest on what you are doing. "If you can keep playing tennis when somebody is shooting a gun down the street, that's concentration."-Serena Williams
Image result for common sense ]Key 4: Common Sense
   To have common sense is to think about the thought you want to say before saying them. You have to train your mind in order to get to your senses. Learn from your mistakes and grow. Common sense can be difficult when you dont think. You have to think first in order to get to where you want to be. Common sense will get you through life. Have good judgement towards others. Never let your mind control you, you control your mind. Common sense is one key to achieving anything you set your mind to achieve. Common sense is as easy as having  sense of humor. You can get through things much easier. Never doubt yourself when you have common sense. You are a leader when you have common sense because you know what you are doing. You are wise because you know how to get things done and how they should be done. If you want to have high standards you need to have a good common sense. "If people use common sense and their own guiding moral compass, I think they'll generally stay out of trouble."- Steve Chabot 
Image result for creativity ideasKey:5 Creativity
     Having creativity gets you the image of making things great and really appreciate the meaning of life. Your mind becomes powerful with colorful creativity. You can create so much and make so much when you have creativity. Creativity is what makes you unique and one and only to understand what you created. Creativity really gets your mind of things. Your imagination grows and becomes more active to what you are doing. Creating things helps when you are going through problems.Creativity can get you somewhere in life. You can be happy with just being creative. When an idea clicks in your head it becomes pure creativity.  You can get inspirations from other creations. Being creative can be stress free. When angry you can let your anger out by just throwing paint at a wall and then be happy because you just created a master piece. Creativity takes courage because it's not easy. Someone may not like what you created but to you that creation is the most important thing to you. "Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way."
Image result for considerationKey 6: Consideration
  Always have consideration when you want to do or say something. Take other peoples feelings into consideration. Having consideration can make a huge difference in life. Having consideration can mean that you have manners. Not having consideration can seriously harm others and make them feel like they are not worth it. Having no consideration is like having no respect and that can mean that you have no conscience. Everything in life has to be taken into consideration because it's important. Determining your success in life can be taken into consideration. Nothing is life is gonna be simple because you have to take into consideration what you want to do. Sometimes life is gonna be hard but take into consideration that no matter what you will get through it. Show kindness because you will never know what others are going through. Consideration can bring you a good life and a good society. "Every human is being entitled to courtesy and consideration. Constructive criticism is not only to be expected but sought."-Margaret Chase Smith
Image result for consistencyKey 7: Consistency 
   Having consistency is one way of having patience and relaxation. Having consistency is always getting things done on time and with patience. Having consistency is to never give up and keep fighting until you get it right. You can not achieve anything if you don not have consistency. You need to have sincerity, Reliability, commitment, integrity, competence, and trust when having consistency. You do not always have to be right because you learn and grow from your mistakes. You can put in small efforts and get much results from it instead of doing nothing and getting no results. Each day have consistency to have a good day and feel like you have accomplished something. "Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come." Dwayne Johnson
Image result for commitmentKey 8: Commitment
Having commitment is an important key to life because you show others that they can trust you.  If you really love something then you will put all your effort and dedication to it and realize you are doing the right thing. Having commitment changes your life because you are putting your priorities. Having commitment is like bringing a promise into reality and keeping it. Having motivation is what gives you commitment. Start having commitment in your life because you will find answers to your life when you didn't understand. Staying loyal means that your are willing to be committed. You don't ever want to break a commitment because is like you are breaking a promise and that can really hurt someone. You always want to stay commitment to things that you say because later in life it can haunt you. "When you encourage others, you in the process are encouraged because you're making a commitment and difference in that person's life. Encouragement really does make a difference."- Zig Ziglar 
Image result for courageKey 9: Courage 
Having courage simply means that you are willing to do something nobody else is willing to do. You might be afraid at first but then you grow courage and go for and become brave when doing it. Never be afraid of doing something because you have never done it just have the courage and do it and learn from it. Have the courage to step up when nobody else does. Don't ever let fear stop you from doing something you really love. Always live your life with courage. Never doubt yourself in situations that seem impossible. Always fight for the right with courage. You will not get anywhere if you do not have the courage to do so. No matter what in life always have the courage to do what other have never done. "We don't develop courage by being happy every day. We develop it by surviving difficult times and challenge adversity".- Barbara De Angelis
Image result for confidenceKey 10: Confidence
Having confidence is key to living a good life. When you have confidence you are feeling good about yourself and you know what you are doing. Confidence is believing in yourself and never doubt yourself. Confidence brings out the best in you. Confidence is focusing on yourself and not let other people saying get to you. Always have confidence no matter what because your the only person that is going to be there for yourself at the end of the day. When having confidence be humble and not a bragger. Never compare yourself to anyone because you were meant to be different and to stand out. When you have confidence you put your trust on people you know that are good in your life. "Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy."-Norman Vicent Peale
Reflection: These 10 keys to personal power can benefit me because I can learn a lesson and have a relaxing life. Each one of these keys are important to life because they help me get through life. It's important to have these 10 keys in your life because they make you see life more clearly and live happy. The keys that I am applying now are consistency, courage, commitment, and confidence. They are making a huge difference in my life because now I feel more happy. I will incorporate the other keys into my life planning day by day and learning new ways. No matter what goes on my life I will find a way to have these 10 keys in my life everyday. 

Thursday 1 December 2016

Stephen Covey

Image result for stephen covey character and personalityCharacter and Personality 
   Both character and personality matter. Have a good personality and a good character. You have success when you have personality because it shows the kind of attitude you have. It shows your personal image and the kind of skills ad techniques you have. Developing a good personality is not hard because you develop something great from it. Personality come naturally when you are informed properly. Having character is even stronger because you are showing integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage, justice, and patience. Character shows us effective living. 

Friday 11 November 2016

Lecture 22, 7 Habits if Highly Effective People
                I learned that you have to begin with the end in mind because its a powerful declaration. I learned that the best way to predict your future is to create it your way. You have to know what the purpose is. You will find the purpose and the meaning. When you want to have an interest experience go to your family and ask what is the purpose of our family. Ask for help to know the purpose of the organization. Find the purpose for everything and what are the goals. The most important thing is to begin with the end in mind. I learned that if you don't take charge of what you want it will be done for you. 

Monday 7 November 2016

free write

Image result for horror nights 2016Free Write Post        Well on Halloween I went to Universal studios Horror Nights and it was fun. Although I did not get to go on all the mazes I had a good time and a good scare too. I have to say It was a good time and I would like to go next year and hopefully go on all the mazes. I think the one that scared me the most was the walking dead maze because I do not like zombies. Moving on to another topic tomorrow is election day and I wonder who is going to win. Well today I really am not going to do much just go home and probably do homework and work on my college applications. Maybe study too for my midterm for sports medicine and finish up work that I have to finish. 

Thursday 3 November 2016

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Image result for 7 habits of highly effective people

              "Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. It says, "I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the driver's seat of my destiny, not just a passenger."

Habit 1: Be Proactive
Image result for be proactive        Be proactive is important to the habits of life because you can accomplish so many things. Like have a proactive day and wake up early to see the sunrise and so the morning can be longer. Be proactive and get things done early and don't procrastinate. It's better to do things early than late. Don't wait for someone to tell you to do it, you get up on your own and do it for you. If you wait to do things in the last minute you are not being proactive. You are in charge of each day and you choose how you want to live it. Don't wait to do it, do it in the moment because you choose to be happy or not. You have the power to change something to do it different. You choose to be happy so choose to be proactive and get things done. Create the change that you want in your life. "The way to bring about change is to be proactive and active."- Sam Brownback 
Habit 2: Begin with the end in Mind
Image result for begin with the end in mind         If you have a goal to begin with the end in mind then do it. When you want to start something new make sure that you know how to finish it and accomplish it. Make your dream possible when you begin with the end in mind and do it. You continue your dreams and chase to get to the end. Do things that have meaning and that make a difference to enjoy life. Set goals ahead of yourself and try to accomplish them. Start with a clear understanding of life to get to where you want to be. It shows that you know where you are going and to make sure you are going on the right direction. Decide what values you are and set goals. You will work hard to get where you want to be. Create the path of where you want to go in and don't fail to do it. You can make your dreams possible if you work hard and never give up. "To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you're going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction."Stephen Covey 
Image result for put first thing firstHabit 3: Put First Things First
         Always do the things that you plan on doing first and don't leave them for the last moment. Make those first things your priority and then do whatever you want to do. If those first things have meaning to you, you will make them you priority and that will be the first thing you do first. Putting first things first is an effect leadership. You will make time and have a positive attitude towards. Don't leave those first things for the last moment because you will regret it and feel like a failure. You decide weather you want to do it first because you have all the time in the world. Never let someone tell you that you can't do that first because you can do whatever you want first. No matter what there will always be time for the things that you put first. "The older I get the more wisdom I find in the ancient rule of taking first things first. A process which often reduces the most complex human problem to a manageable proportion."-Dwight D. Eisenhower 
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
        Think like a winner and stay positive. Always feel like a winner even when you loose because you did your best. Never doubt yourself because that will just bring you down. Always have a positive mid and win. Never bring yourself down when you lose be happy that you tried and did your best and put all your effort in to it. You are a strong leader if you have a positive mind set. Don't give up the first time keep going and keep having the mind of a winner. 
Image result for Seek first to Understand, then to be UnderstoodHabit 5: Seek first to Understand, then to be Understood
          For someone to be able to understand you need to make sure they understood. You have ton listen with your eyes like when you listen with your ears and pay attention closely. You need to be able to understand by there body language and facial expressions because that says a lot. You need to be sincere and listen to what others have to say because it shows respect. Understand first and then be understood when it is your turn  to speak. You need to be understanding and take action. Understanding someone is important so listen to what they have to say and then they can take the time to be understood by you. Understand by seeing things from another point of view and then share what your view is. First listen, don't talk over someone and let them finish talking and then when they are done talking you can speak and give your opinion. If you want to be respected then listen to others and respect them when they are speaking. You want to make the people feel understanding. "One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say."-Bryant H. McGill        
Habit 6: Synergize  
Image result for synergize definition         Be synergize to have a creative cooperation. Have amazing new adventures to get rid of your problems. It's better to work together because you can bring more new ideas into the work. You can have difference and bring them together. You find way to make them better and greater. Teamwork is the best way to do work because you can make it fun and exciting. Having an open mind is a great to start something because it brings in positive stuff into your life. Have high performance to working hard and achieving great goals. Have leadership development to develop great things. 
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Image result for sharpen the saw       First accomplish the greatest things that you want to do in life. Have a positive mentally to have good outcomes. Have a good physical dimension, mental dimension, emotional dimension, and a spiritual dimension to accomplish great things in life. Do things that will have a positive outcome in your life and that will make you happy. Always stay positive don't give up on the first tries. Take care of your self by getting enough exercise, getting enough hours of sleep, and eating healthy. Learn new things outside of school, try to explore the world, go to museums, parks, and events to see what is out there and what can you learn from that. Spend time with family and friends because you will regret it later in life when you don't have them. Help others and be kind to them, the little things will make people happy. Smile at strangers because you can make there day. Always keep your self happy. "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."- Abraham Lincoln 
         I learned that these 7 habits will help you keep a positive mind and live a good life. You need to be proactive so that you can accomplish many things, like start your day early so that the day can be longer. Also it's important to begin with the end in mind so that you can do things things that have a meaning to life and that make a difference to your living. Always do things first, so don't procrastinate to not put pressure or stress on yourself. Always think win-win, keep a positive mind and think like a winner. First understand other so that you can be able to be understood. Be synergize to develop great things as a group. Sharpen the saw by having good outcome. 

Monday 24 October 2016

free write

Free Write Post
        My Weekend 
What I did this weekend was go to the mall and buy myself shoes because I have been wanting those shoes since forever. I also bought a cute pink sweater. I also slept over my cousins house because we went hiking early in the morning to the Hollywood sign. We also went to buy some stuff at home depot because she was remodeling her room and needed to buy fresh paint. I helped her paint her room and then we built the bed and put all her clothes back into her closet. Also am hoping I finally go to Hollywood Horror Night this Thursday with my family and I hope I have fun and enjoy the day. 

Thursday 20 October 2016

How to Remember Names

How to Remember Names

  1. commit
  2. listen
  3. concentate
  4. repeat
  5. spell it out
  6. write it down
  7. Associate
  8. Ask for help 
  9. Trust yourself
  10. create cues
  11. pick up a unique trait
  12. use different senses
  13. choose to care
  14. Consider asking 

Tuesday 11 October 2016

How to Win Friends and Influence People

How to Win Friends and Influence People
"Six Ways to Make People Like You" 
Rule 1: Become genuinely interested in other people.
Image result for become interested in other people     If you want to make a friend you have to be genuinely and be nice when you meet them. Be there for when they need you and always be by there side. Always support your friend on what they want to do. Always stay positive with them and never give up on them. Be an attentive listener when they need someone to talk to. Never judge them by what they are telling you. Have a nice talk and learn new things about each other. Make sure you are trustworthy and they can tell you anything. Make sure you respect them so they can respect you and never treat them in an ugly manner. Do fun activities it will make the friendship grow. Always be there to listen to the stories they have. "We let folks know we're interested in them and that they're vital to us. cause they are."-Sam Walton
Image result for smileRule 2: Smile: 
      If you want to make people happy throughout the day just smile at them because you can make their day and they would appreciate it. Smile at strangers because you never know what they are going through. Just by smiling everyday at someone you can make them happy. Smiling improves the way you look and it makes you feel better. You can change the world by just smiling.Smiling is a powerful tool because you can solve a problem. Smile is a way to be happy and having a successful life. When you smile you can make other people fell happy and then they will start to smile. When you are feeling down just smile because it can not bring you down. When you smile at others that want to bring you down, you are going to make them wonder why are you happy. Give a warm smile every morning to stranger because it is a form of happiness. Wake up with a smile. "A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside."- Denis Waitley
Rule 3: Remember names.
Image result for remember names      Remembering names is important because it says that you actually pay attention. You make a commitment to yourself by remembering names. You actually listen to the person when they first introduce themselves. You can remember a persons name by they act towards you. It show that you have morals remembering people names and care. When you remember names you show them that they are important and they are someone willing to remember.  When you don't remember names you are not a good person and are heading for trouble. Always remember names because you can make that person feel special and they will feel like they are a part of your life. You are being respectful because you don't call them by another name like hey you because that can hurt there feelings. You always want to remember peoples names so that they can feel comfortable and good that you remembered there names. When remembering names you are being kind because they are your friends. Remember names because it makes they feel very important and happy. "Every name is real. That's the nature of names."-Jerry Spinelli
Image result for be a good listenerRule 4: Be a Good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves. 
       When you are a good listener you get people to open up to you and they tell you there story and you make them feel better. When you are listening don't interrupt, let the person finish and ask questions. Encourage them to talk about themselves so that they can feel better and feel like they have someone they can talk. Make them feel comfortable around you. When you listen you know you are going to have a good conversation. It feels good to open up and having someone to there listening to you because you feel less tension on you and you become more positive. When you listen you can learn something new and get to know them better. Show them that you care when they are talking. Encourage them to talk more to show them that you are genuinely interested in them. Help them feel safe that it's okay to talk about themselves. Make sure to listen to what they have to say because you can learn something new and help them grow as a person. Make the person feel safe and not judged. "One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say."-Bryant H.McGill
Image result for talk in terms of the other person's interestsRule 5: Talk in terms of the other man's interest.
                   You never know if you and that person have the same interest. Maybe you can be passionate about something and that person you meet can also be passionate about the same thing too. Having the same interest is good because you can become really good friends. Don't criticize others for the interest that they like. Have respect and listen to what they have to say. Don't complain and try to change the topic just because that does not interest you. Be friendly and be sincere when they are talking about there interest. Make the person feel like they have a great idea and feel important. "Speakers who talk about what life has taught them never fail to keep the attention of their listeners."-Dale Carnegie
Image result for make the other person feel importantRule 6: Make the other person feel important--and do it sincerely.
          When you make a person feel important they know that you are making them your priority. Always make a person feel important because it shows that you care about them and you sincerely want to listen to what they have to say. You will always have time for that person because they are important to you and they matter in your life. Take time to get to know the person and listen to what they have to say. Never tell a person they are not important because that can hurt there feelings. Make them feel special like they have someone they need. You make them feel important when you are there for them and care about them. Pay attention to them when they are talking and do not interrupt. Don't criticize to what they have to say because if they are important to you, you will not criticize. Be concern when they are feeling down and sad. Always be there for them and never give up on them. Encourage them to do something they are afraid off, to get that fear away. Be honest and respectful towards there opinions. "Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own."-H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Reflection: These six ways of making people like you are important because you can meet really great people and make them feel welcomed. Being genuinely interested in other people shows that you are actually trying to meet new people. When you smile at someone you can make there day and make them feel like they had a special day. When you remember names it shows that you actually listen and were interested in them. You can meet a person that had the same interest as you. When you make the person feel important they know that you are making them your priority and you want to learn about them sincerely. Be loyal to that person that you meet and always be kind towards them. Never treat them like they are not important.  

Friday 7 October 2016

Medical School

      Duke University School Of Medicine

Location: Durham, North Carolina

Admission Requirements:

  • High School GPA
  • High School Class Rank 
  • Completion of College Preparatory Program 
  • Recommendations
  • Demonstrations of Competencies
  • SAT Scores 
  • ACT Score
Tuition: $51,510
Degrees Offered:
  • Ph.D
  • Masters Degree 
  • Biomolecular & Tissue Engineering Certificate Program
Area Of Study and Specialization:                                      
  • Biology                                                                          
  • Chemistry
  • Sociology 
  • Engineering
  • Earth and Ocean Science
Picture of Medical School
Image result for duke university

Reflection: It is a really good school, they have a lot of majors and minors and its seems pretty cool.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Medical School

       Colombia University College of    Physicians and Surgeons

Location: New York, NY 

Admission Requirements: 
  • At least three full academic years at an accredited college in the U.S. or Canada
  • One year of English
  • One year of Biology with labs
  • One year of Physics with labs
  • Two years of Chemistry, one of which must be Organic Chemistry, both with labs
  • Good Grade
  • Letter of Recommendation 
  • Extracurricular Activities and Summer Jobs
Tuition:  $57,634 
Degrees Offered: 
  • MD/PhD
  • MD/MS in Biomedical Science
  • MD/MPH 
  • MD/MBA
  • Oral Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS)
  • PhD to MD Program 
Areas of Study and Specialization:
  • Business 
  • Law 
  • Medicine
  • Nursing
  • Engineering
  • Social Science and Humanities
  • Health 
  • Public Affairs 
  • Fine Arts
Picture of Medical School:Image result for columbia university

Reflection: It is a good school but I would not like to attend for the reason that I am not interested in the medical field, I am more in interest in the field of criminal justice. 
Free Write
Image result for takers movie      Yesterday when I got out of school I went straight home because it was way too hot. So I got home and turned on the AC in my room and just stayed there because it was hot to go anywhere. I took a little nap before starting my homework. Once I started my homework i started listening to music because I concentrated better when I listen to music. I finished my homework and then just kept listening to music. Later in the day I went to my cousins house to buy tickets for Horror Nights to go on Sunday. Then when I got back home I started to watch a movie called Takers, it is an awesome movie. I always watch that movie every time I get a chance to watch it. 

Monday 26 September 2016

                                                   Free Write
     What I did on the weekend was kind of fun, so Friday I went to  my school to watch the football game to support my school, on Saturday it was my little cousins birthday party and it was fun because everyone was dancing crazy and laughing, and on Sunday I went to the mall to buy shoes and clothes with my cousin and then we went to eat I guess I can say I did have a good weekend and the good thing was that I was not home because it gets boring.  So on Thursday I am planning to go to Universal Studios Horror Nights with my cousins and my aunt because it looks fun and it's something we can enjoy as a family. I mean i am kind of scarred because Halloween is not my favorite holiday I mean come I don't like getting scared. If I do go to Horror Nights on Thursday I probably have my eyes close half of the time and hide behind my cousin. I am excited to go because i get to spend time with my family and I am not excited to get scared. What I don't like about Horror Nights is that the lines are long and we have to walk a lot  then the next day my feet are going to hurt a lot.

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Peaks Performance Principles
                        "The Six Attitudes Of High Achievers"

Image result for make no small plansImage result for John r noe
John R. Noe
High Achivers....    

1.Make no small plans                                                                           
Don't make  small plans because there is no fun in them and it's too little time to have fun. You need big plans to make it magical and fun because if you make small plans later on your gonna regret not making big plans. When you make small plans they will not not be realized and have no power. Make big plans because they bring hope and good work to you. Making big plans will bring happiness to your life and will make you feel better. Making big plans will bring big things into the world and you will get more creative ideas. Making small plans will not get you anywhere. Go for the big plans because it can bring you happiness and give you power. You will be known as a high achiever for making big plans. Making big plans means that you are challenging yourself to do big new things and make something new happen in life."Make no small plans for they have no power to stir the soul."- Niccolo Machiavelli

2.Do what they fear                                                              
Image result for fearDo what they fear to show that you have courage to do something fearful. Don't be scared of the things they fear because maybe you are not going to be scared. They will hate that you don't fear they do. They fear things that they have not tried, but you shouldn't fear because new things because new things will actually make you brave. Having fear can you lead you to have anger and think negative. Don't fear what you don't understand because that lead to more fear and discourage. People hate what they fear but don't try to face there fear. They don't try to face there fear and there fear just grows more. Do what they fear because that will make them angry. Having fear doesn't help because it can just create anxiety. Try the things that they fear to see if they can get over that fear. You have to face the fear and rise from it. You face and you learn not fear. Facing your fear can make you grow stronger and be more successful. Do not fear what they fear have courage and face it. You can either choose to face that fear or run from it. "Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live"-Dorothy Thompson     
3. Are willing to prepare                                                             
Image result for are willing to prepare    When you are willing to prepare you are willing to commit to what you are doing and not give up. Always be willing to try something new and prepare for it. Never tell yourself you can't do it because in reality you can. Always do it for fun and don't stop because you are afraid. You have to be willing to prepare in order to start something new. Try out new things takes time to prepare. Trying a new thing will not be perfect the first time you do it , you need time to prepare. Everyone has i there mind that they want to win but are not willing to prepare to win, that will not get you anywhere. If you are not prepare to do something then you will fail because you did not want to prepare. Things don't come easily you got to prepare yourself. Prepare to be ready in life and become successful. Never give up the first time you fail you have to going and become more prepared. Getting prepare takes time and it is not easy it takes progress. Establish your priorities  first and keep making progress. Just because you fail first does not mean you have to give up. You will accomplish what you wan if you are willing to prepare. "You get whatever accomplishment you are willing to declare."-Georgia O'Keeffe
     4.Are willing to Risk Failure
Image result for risk failure            You are willing to risk failure when you are willing to get an experience. You can't succeed unless you are willing to risk failure and get back up and try again. You are willing to risk failure when you really want something. Willing to risk failure doesn't mean you have to give up you learn and grow from it until you get it right. You don't always succeed in the first try it takes time again and again so don't give up when you have failed once. If you are not willing to risk then you will not learn the experience. Failure doesn't mean give up it means get up and keep trying and gaining experience. Those who fail are successfully because they gained experience. You learn from failing. When you take one path and fail you don't give p you take the other path and see where it takes you. You have to be brave and take failure before reaching success.  "Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."- T.S Eliot
5.Are Teachable
Image result for teachable            You are teachable when you teach someone a valuable lesson about something important. You are teachable when you are willing to listen to others. Having true humility is staying teachable. You are teachable when you teach others to choose the right path and never choose the wrong. You are willing to learn from your mistakes and move on. When you stop learning that is when you stop growing and when you really want to learn you are growing. You are willing to have a teachable mind to be prepare for the future and have a good life. When you are teachable you are being a role model and a leader to the younger people. You are teachable when younger people are looking up to you to have a positive life and be productive. You seek knowledge and truth when being teachable. Experience teaches only the teachable when they are being positive. Being teachable you are influencing others to be good and knowledgeable and that is power. "What I believe is that all clear minded people should remain two things throughout their lifetimes: curious and teachable."-Roger Ebert
Image result for have heart tumblr nature6. Have Heart           To be a good and caring person you need to have a good heart. A caring heart is what helps you get through life. Having a big heart is having a good life and appreciating every moment of your life.When you have a heart you don't hold grudges you move on and let it go. When you have a bad heart you are an evil person that holds grudges so it's better to have a good heart to live a healthy life style. When you have a good heart you help others, you put your trust on others, you give too much, and you give love a lot. You can the the greatest heart and people will hate you but you will not let that get you, you keep going with your life and just keep smiling like always. When you have good heart you are always a happy person. No matter how many time people want to bring you down you keep having a good heart and keep being successful. You can have a lot of money but have the ugliest heart and you can have no money and have the best heart in the world and be happy. You don't every single thing in this world to be happy all you need is to have a heart. Always have a good heart no matter what happens. "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched- they must be felt by the heart."-Helen Keller
Reflection: These six attitudes are important so that you can be a successful person and to stay positive. Always make big plans because later on you will regret making small plans. Always do what others fear to show that you don't fear that. You always need to be willing to prepare and take risks in life. You are willing to risk failure to get through life and make good out of it. Always be teachable and teach others valuable lesson. Always have a heart to value others. 

Friday 19 August 2016

     9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of your life
Gordon B. Hinckley
                                                                                                                1:Be Grateful
              Being grateful is important because it shows that you appreciate things in life. You  learn to appreciate things in life because other people might not have what you have. You show that you are a kind person and caring for what you have and what you get. You learn how to take care of things that value the most to you. You need to be grateful for the small things and the little things in life because nothing last forever in this world. Grateful for being blessed because you have a home and a family that loves you.Being grateful shows your happiness and the way that you view life. You need to be happy with what you have because some people don't have anything. Everyday you can be grateful just by saying thank you. You cant take things for granted, everything happens for a reason. Be grateful that you get to experience life in a new way everyday. Laughing a lot, living life and loving is being grateful. No matter how bad your situation gets you have to remember the people that you have there for and that love you. The problems that you have you learn to overcome them and you grow as a stronger person in life and you appreciate being grateful.   "Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."-Robert Brault
2.Be Smart
         Being smart is important because that's how you make choices and the way you want to live life. When your smart you show that you can get things done and can do it even in the times that you wanted to give up. when you feel like giving up you make the smart choice and continue on until you reach your goal. When you are in control of things you are being smart because you are making the smart choices. Being smart give you the time in life and living well.You shouldn't be afraid to be smart because being smart shows courage and that you can do it. You become brave and you stay true to yourself. Being smart is important so that you don't dumb yourself down because that is a bad choice. Being smart means that you are informed of situations and you know how to deal with them.Opening up to be people is smart because they get to you know you better and they know that you are smart. Be smart and make the right choice because deep down inside you are really smart. When your smart you have a goal setting in life. Whatever you do in life, surround yourself with smart people who'll argue with you."-John Wooden
Image result for be involved in good works3.Be Involved In Good Works                                             Being Involved in good works show that you are doing a good job.It show that you are being productive and having a positive mind. Your unique skills are what make you be involved in activities that make you happy. Doing work in your community shows that you care about your community and you want to make it better. Doing an internships helps you prepare you for the real world or a real job in the future. Being involves shows that you want to go somewhere in life and not stay in the same place. You want to stand out and be different to be able to go somewhere in life. be involved because you will regret not being involved. You will feel bad because you will say i was never involved in nothing good. Being involved helps you stay away from bad choices. Volunteer to get experience of how it is to work around new people and find new cool experiences. "To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act."Anatole France                                
4.Be Clean                                                                                                   
  Being clean is not just about you being clean like not smelling but about being clean  in general. You can be clean physically and mentally because you can have morals. You want to be free from stains, marks and dirt and not smell bad. So to be clean just shower everyday and take care of yourself. You can be clean by being organized and not being messy. Being clean in your health by eating good clean healthy food.Your behavior shows if your clean. Having manners is being clean because it shows you are respectful and are well taken care of. Be clean by helping out around  and volunteering around and asking for help is good. Being nice to others can earn you respect and  show that you have respect. Being spiritually clean is good because you don't want to have any bad spirits in you.  You have  to be clean from selfishness, critical feelings, and away from negative thoughts. You can clean by having fresh positive thoughts  in your everyday life. Its important to start clean every time you make a bad decision. "Clean fighting solves everything. It ends all bad blood and any ill feelings people have. That's my thoughts."-Conor Mcgregor
5.Be True                                                                                                   
Image result for be trueBeing true is an important thing in life because you have to be yourself and not change for anyone else. Don't change your personality to impress someone else. Don't act different in front of others because they can get a bad impression from you. To shine you need to be true. When your there for your friends you are being true. You need to stay true to yourself because many people are not gonna be true to you. You have to stay true to yourself no matter what happens. If you want to be happy be true to who you are. You need to stay true to get through life. Staying true helps you when you fall in life but being true helps pick you right back up. Sometimes people are not gonna like you but that doesn't mean you have to change you just stay true to who you are and believe in yourself. Saying the truth is better than telling a lie because when you lie you feel quilt but when you say the truth you feel like you got a weight lifted off your shoulders. People will change but you will stay true to yourself because you will not make any sacrifices to change. To be honest you have to be true and be yourself. No matter what happens in life you will never change. "The only real failure in life is not to be true to best one knows."-Buddha
 6.Be Positive                                                                                                 
Image result for be positive tumblrBeing Positive is an important characteristic about you because it helps you keep a healthy mind set. Keeping a positive mind helps you choose the right and think clearly. You need to have positive vibes to get through life. When you think positive you have the mind set that you can do it. When you think negative you don't accomplish many things. Thinking positive will bring positive things in your life. You are happy when you are positive and have no negative drama. If you have a bad day just keep smiling and think positive because tomorrow will be a better day. When something negative happens you just gotta keep pushing forward  and keep thinking positive. When you are positive you determine your faith. When you are angry don't start to think negative just think positive and good things will be coming your way. When you see yourself struggling  stay strong and be positive.Having trust is being positive. When something is not meant to be you have to stay positive and keep going with life. When you fail at something don't give up because failing is a part of life and that's how you learnt from your mistakes and stay positive. "Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results."- Willie Nelson
7.Be Humble                                                                                                  
Image result for be humbleBeing humble is a part of life to be happy. Be happy that you have the things that you have ad you are not on the streets. You don't have to show off everything that you get, you keep it to yourself. You don't care what others think about you and you keep things to yourself. You work hard in silence and you let success make the noise. You need a kind heart that listens not a mouth that speaks vulgar. You don't have to humiliate others to make yourself feel better, you just keep working hard. No matter how much things you have and how powerful you feel that doesn't mean you have to bring others down because at the end of the day we are all the same and equal. Bragging is no good because it's wrong and you could make others feel about and you don't know what they are going through so you have to stay humble. You have to remember where you came from and where your parents came from.Don't let success get to your head because it can ruin your life and never let failure get your heart because it will ruin your life, so you just keep working hard. Being humble is knowing that you are not better than anyone else and wise enough to know that you are different from others. You need to be kind and smile to everyone because you might have safe there life. Never give up on hope when you feel like you have failed. Always stay humble and recognize your mistakes. "Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing.'-Camille Pissarro
8.Be Still
Image result for be still quotes    Being still is an important part of life because you learn how to be patient. Be still because even if something good hasn't happen in your life, you need to wait and be patient because something good is coming soon. You have to be still because or else you can get hurt. You need to be careful and take things slow because if you don't take it slow you can get hurt and feel devastated. You need to know that god is with you on your good times and on your bad times so you just have to be still and patient. Being still is letting go of anger that you have build and just be happy. Let go of things that make you angry and just be yourself and dont listen to anyone else. Surrender to things that don't make you happy and fine something new that makes you happy. In order to feel safe and strong you need to let go and have faith in god. You need to grow and move on from things that are holding you back. Don't panic when you feel like you are not safe just be still and breath and god is with you. Have faith in yourself and in god and you will feel safe and are going to be still.When yousee the world has turn upside down just stay still and keep doing what you are doing.Dont argue just be still and walk away in bad situations.Be in a till place and relax and enjoy life to the fullest. "In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you."-Deepak Chopra
9.Be Prayerful
          These nine ways are important in your life, in order for you to be happy and positive. keep negative thought away and breathe because your life is not over. Keep these nine ways in your thought and you will be happy. These will help you get through life and make you think twice about the decisions. Being grateful helps you understand the meaning of life. Being smart helps you make good choices in life. being involved in good works means you care about your community and you are willing to help. Being clean is meaning you you keep a positive attitude and stay away from drugs. Be true to yourself keep doing what you a re doing and don't let anyone stop you from doing what you are doing. keeping a positive mind set will help you get through life. Being humble shows that you are not a bragger. Being still shows that you have the patients to do something. Be prayerful because god is always looking over you.  
                                     Image result for gordon b hinckley
                                              Gordon B. Hinckley
      "There they are, nine Be’s which, if observed, will bring handsome dividends to any young man or woman. They will add sparkle to your days and peace to your nights. They will save you from heartache and pain. They will bring purpose into your life and give direction to your energies.
 They will bring you friends of your own kind. They will protect you from associations that would pull you down and deflect you from your course.
This is a time to be happy. This is a time to feel joy and make friends and enjoy the best this life has to offer. What I have tried to put forth .... are simply a few suggestions, gained from many years of living, to help you do just that. The world will tell that certain kinds of things will bring you happiness – things such as popularity and possessions and satisfying your baser desires.
If today you find yourself only drifting as a leaf in a stream, get hold of yourself and determine you will do better.At railroad grade crossings, signs of warning were once common. Two cross arms were emblazoned with the words, “Stop, Look, Listen.” They meant that a train could be roaring down the tracks and you had better be alert.
I was riding a train in the Midwest years ago. I looked out the window to my left. A road ran parallel to the tracks. A car with a boy and a girl was speeding down the road a little faster than the train. The car moved ahead until I can no longer see it. Suddenly, the locomotive whistle sounded and the train screeched to a halt as the brakes gripped the wheels. We looked out the window on to the other side. There was a mangled car. Police cars soon converged, followed by the ambulance. The boy and girl were both dead. The road they were traveling crossed the tracks. They did not stop, look, or listen. It all happened in an instant.
The better way to Be is the way of these nine Be's.
The years will inevitably pass, and pass quickly. Today is your day of resolution. Promise yourself to make something good of (your) precious life."